
Over Easy or Sunny Side Up?

Just found some old pictures of me with some eggs. Some days I'm just plain useless.

"The radio signal was scrambled, and so were my eggs."

Jarod Kintz, This Book Has No Title


Empty Dreams

A cold day. The Orange queen has retired, save for a few streaks of last light. Light traffic outside. Sitting by the fire playing some strings and not doing a very good job. Brrr...it's cold.

Empty Dreams from Benjamin Karam on Vimeo.


Sic Transit Gloria ...

... breakaway.

"God's angels are ravishing and fooling me. I saw a whore and an old man in a lunchcart, 
and God - their faces! I wondered what God was up to."

— Jack Kerouac



Stuck in existence
Eaten by void
Blackness upon blackness upon blackness



Nothing like running into old flames on the bookshelves.

I see my light come shinning
From the west unto the east 
Any day now, any day now
I shall be released

Bob Dylan, I Shall Be Released


A Thirsty Heart

"I cried for madder music and 
 for stronger wine"
                  —  Ernest Dowson

It is that time of the year again. Two weeks into the new year and nothing has changed. How I got myself into this predicament, I'll never know. What has been going over in my mind does not make much sense. I have been thinking. I have been thinking random thoughts. It is that time of the year again. Winter. The tendons frigid around my bones. I have been shivering in pain. Hopeless, restless, stuck in this eternal melancholy disposition, pining for 'madder music' and 'stronger wine'. 

Volatile feelings evaporating slowly into thin air. 

Out of nowhere you show up 
with drops of the night in your hair 
and slowly speak 

We'll do what lovers do
You don't have to say you love me
All the clowns have gone to bed
We are legends



There is no romance
when you're sitting inside a motionless car.
Do something.


Went Down To The Paradise City

This was last month. Already feeling nostalgic. Shit.


A Moment

Sshhh, calm down now, my heart. 


A Moment of Beauty

On new year's eve last year sometime after dinner I had a very interesting little conversation with my mother. Wait a minute, I don't think that it is wise to call it a conversation, let's just call it an exchange of statements. It was overdosed. It was mock-epic. It was hyperbolic. It was exchanged in good spirit with holiday smiles, but reflecting back on it now there is a poignant truth behind the words, behind every single word.


            Me     :  Mother, my heart is broken. 
      Mother :  Son, mine broke a long time ago. 

Happy New Year Folks!
