
The Long Way Back

It was late and we got ourselves a flat tyre in some lonesome town on our way back from Andro. It took me forever to unscrew the nuts. A series of unplanned incidents unfolded as we made up destinations en route to nowhere. Life cannot be scripted. We had a luncheon in the woods, drove a little more, got lost, drove again, parked our cars and climbed a hill. Drove more. Made a stop at the bazaar in Kakching, bought some plants and clay pots too. Drove more. Bought pineapples from road side fruit sellers on the highway, tried bargaining but tipped them instead. It was a good day. 


Andreas said...

Road trips with unexpected and unforeseen stops are the best. I just took a 14 hour drive from New York to Tennessee with my wife and her parents. It was all well-planned and executed accordingly. Consequently there's not that much more to say about it. I saw three crosses raised on a hill in a field in Virginia. Three empty crosses against a field of green. It struck me as odd, and a little eerie. That's about it really. I'm glad for you that you had an adventure.

benzy said...

Three empty crosses? (shudders) Must have been quite an unusual sight!