I saw 'The Boy In The Stripped Pajamas' today and it reminded me again of the horrors of the Holocaust and with that brought back memories of Anne Frank. A sad movie, a sad blemish in the history of the human race. I still find it hard to believe how people can be so cruel. The truth, and what I believe is true too, Humans, Animals and Plants thrive upon a symbiotic relationship that is delicate, that's how we have survive and that is what we should maintain to continue surviving. Somewhere in time we have disturbed this vital balance. We just need to find the missing connection again.
I was driving down B.T. Road, back home, with my dad and a friend in our car. My hands were on the steering wheel, dad's eyes were outside watching the willow trees, ages old, on the other side of the road. He said,"You know looking at those trees makes me so humble, they are so majestic and we are just puny little humans around them."
I said nothing because I was lost in thought, but the two minutes of silence that followed was golden.
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