
Where's Humanity Leading To?

The clock just struck midnight. One more minute and it's a Sunday morning. I couldn't fall asleep and so I opened my Dad's poetry collection and read some of his old poems and they actually made me happy, on the inside. They are so eloquently written and beautiful too. If I could be half the writer he is, I would be more than satisfied. That would remind me that my life, is after all, not a total waste.

In one his poems titled 'The Saviour and The Saved'  he ends with a doubt: 'Where's humanity leading to?' That's what I want to discuss in this post.

I don't mean to suggest that everything I say is the truth. Some may agree and some may not. What is reality and where is it taking us? Humanity, the people inhabiting earth, so to speak, first of all has no humanity at all. Secondly, they still have no humanity. It pains me to see how the world is so driven by media these days. The love is gone. Everyone has a middle-class materialistic view now. Take the example of the ipod for instance. No doubt it's one of the greatest inventions but people are starting to care more for  the ipod and less for the music. It has become more of a status symbol. What I mean to suggest here is that people are focusing on the wrong things all of the time and it is sad that we are not doing anything about it.

Coming back to the question of 'Where's humanity leading to?' I say that it is leading us to nowhere. That is where we are heading.


Funny Feelings

When I was small I wanted freedom. Freedom to do what I want, freedom from parental supervision, freedom to watch late night TV, freedom to skip school, freedom to come back home late at night. I am older now and all my wishes have come true, slowly, one after the other. And for a moment or two it seemed everything was going as I wanted. Then one night I went to bed and I just couldn't fall asleep. I lay there trying to manufacture dreams and suddenly I realized that I was missing the comfort of my parents arms around me, when they used to tuck me in bed when I was a child. That instant I wished I were a child again. I longed to be a child again.

Maybe growing up is not a good idea, after all. I'm old now and I live alone. I can't ask my parents to hold me now when I can't fall asleep because those days are long gone. Life is really funny.You want something one day and when you get it you realize it is not what you really want. They say, "you 'll never know what you really want until you're 45, and when you get it you're too old to use it." Maybe that's how life works, folks.



Another one of my early drawings from about five years ago.



Life's hard, right? There are so many beautiful people around us and we don't want to disappoint them. That is what makes life difficult because they are the ones who makes our life beautiful too. I honestly don't know where I am going from here. I've never known for sure. Families and friends I'll always love them wherever I am, wherever they are. Everything will be alright.