
Hollow Reality

My sister called me up last night and told me that Dryden wrote a political satire at age 18 and asked me, 'How old are you?'

I'm 19 years 2 months and 6 days old and although I have written more than a few poems I'm yet to write a political satire. There are a lot of good ideas in my mind right now but I'm still learning to express my thoughts and imagination. I am not a prodigy as they were. I am more of an introvert.

But poetry, I cannot help but write it. I don't care what people think of me or the poems I write. I am what I am, a poetry lover and that's all I am, that's all there is of me.

How do you decide a thing as beautiful as a flower has nothing deadly underneath it?
'Reality can be deceiving. Reality is hollow.' my roommate told me once. I think he's right after all.